Side Hustle / Moonlighting

The emotion & The Logic
The subject of moonlighting by ‘Full Time Employees’(stylishly softened to ‘Side Hustle’) is centre stage lately.
Industries & Companies have reacted differently – from outright ban & dismissals to allowing it thru formal announcements.
Somewhere Between the two-are a host of issues-that’s being overlooked.
1. Talent Retention
2. People Development
3.Organisation Culture
4. Diversity & Inclusion
Reality check
1. Is it time to change mindsets from owning employee time to paying for output / outcomes.
2. High achievers with lateral skills / multiple interests are those who want to do more than one type of work, in parallel. Not just those who need more money (And who doesn’t).
3. This temperament is already recognised and encouraged by those with foresight or might benefit from it.
4. Incubators, COEs, Accelerators & Facilitation Hubs set up as captives – tap into their own employee potential to do stuff other than their Job roles.
So why the general condemnation of the side hustle?
Is it the Ethics or the fact that companies feel loss of ‘Control’ over employees.
Is this a paradigm shift & how the future will look like?
Organisations need to experiment the ‘side hustle’ & create the best model that works for them and their people – if they wish to attract, retain talent & nurture innovation.
Will this die down in the face of impending recession or slow down!
Facts show that side hustles in times of recession &slow downs actually increases – many people will work in more than one job to feed their lifestyle & EMIs – due to lay offs& trimming of fte workforce.
Organisations will swing strongly to – on demand project based engagements – & shift more of people costs from fixed to variable.
Wfh& hybrid work models are the precursor / enablers – Foglights even – to new ways of employment In this post covid world.
Employees also need to know that fte& side hustle in #secret is unethical and in most cases – just cause for a pink slip.
Authors personal opinion
Income from activities like Providing mentorship, being an artist, writer, blogger, standup, sportsperson etc – in personal time i.e. any activity not related to the employers business – done in personal time & getting – cannot be deemed by Employers as side hustle.
Employers need to be discerning & see what works for them while being flexible – #Diversity, #Equity&#inclusion are dynamic concepts. It’s practice should be agile & adaptive – to optimise positive outcome to all stakeholders.
Let’s not fight the wave – embrace it and feel the exhilaration!
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